WaveFlex FBG-1
VERY complex & capable

An Anniversary synth for my Facebook group. FBG-1 means: FaceBook Group - 1 year.
Main features:
- 2 multi-function oscillators + sub and noise
- main oscillators with 4 working modes: wave construction (own development), additive, wavedraw and single cycle wave loader (with teachable browser - wave change with arrows or from drop-down menu) oscillators
- unison detune, wave saturation
- white/pink/brown noise osc
- de-tunable sub osc, -1 or -2 octaves from B-osc, 5 wave types
- Osc-A Tune transposes all oscillators
- Osc-B detunable from A by -5...+5 octaves, -12...+12 semis and fine has -1...+1 semitone range
- all 4 osc has Random function
- mixer with oscillator levels and A-B mix + FM and Ring mod
- 2 Filters, the switchable 2nd is parallel or serial
- 21 filter types (..., formant, ... , 8th order Butterworth) with filter display
- Formant/vowel pad with manual or modulated adjustment
- 3 syncable LFO with fade-in, 8 bars...1/64 bar with d and t times - MP button switches the amplitude between -1..+1 and 0..+1 (Mono Pole), 6 wave types
- 3 ADSR envelope with displays + 1 graphic "multi segment envelope generator" (MSEG)
- 4 octaves keyboard with mod- and pitchwheel (adjustable range), independent glide for A and B oscs
- pitchwheel to A or B or both oscs
- polyphony: 1..8 voices
- switchable window with 5 pages for additional features
- SEQ page has 2 sequential step sequencers + an "ARP" with octave steps
- EFFECT has a 4 range equalizer, a phaser, a dual function delay (ping-pong and echo), reverb + chorus/flanger.
- COMPRESSOR with many possibilities
- MATRIX has 8 buses. 11 incoming modulations, 29 destinations.
- PRESET window with 96 slots
- Volume (logarithmic), velocity to volume and panorama knobs in Main
- output wave display
- Random-Reset for most of the components - Reset is useful to get an initial preset (an empty bank is attached to the .zip too, can be copied to get more empties)
- knobs wit midi forget/learn - cc values can be saved to presets
- double clicking sets the knobs to default value
- 16 demo patches by GyL - a full bank, 96 presets by Kujashi
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