Dual wavetable, unison VA

Born for a member request in the Facebook group (a wavetable maker and saver in .wav format). Based on a 8-10 years old wavemaker from Jay. Reworked and simplified + added wav saving and a minimalistic but useful synth-part for testing the waves. It is perfectly usable as an instrument as well (listen to Kujashi's demo on Soundcloud).
The saved waves can be loaded into other, more complex software or hardware synths.
Main features:
- 2 wavetable oscillators with 135 waveforms in each
- waves can be added, multiplied or subtracted, phase-shifted, inverted and level adjusted
- unison detunable main oscillator with 0...-2 octave + switchable sub osc with the same wave and -1/-2 octaves
- output wavetable window
- moog-like filter with envelope control to cutoff in positive or negative direction
- the created wave can be saved as .txt or .wav, the sample quantity can be 128...2048 (the txt stops at 1024), 44.1 or 48 kHz and 16, 24 or 32 bit
- in-built switchable chorus and delay
- modwheel to filter cutoff ; pitchwheel has +/- 5 semitone range
- note hold switch to easy sound design
- double-click-to-default knobs
- global random and reset + local for the oscillators
- easy to understand and use interface
- 16 patches from GyL, 128 from Kujashi
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